Congratulations too to the winners of this year's poster prizes!

- Lukas Malfertheiner (Deciphering ecology and evolution)

Community conservatism is present in all investigated microbial phyla

- Iakov Davydov (Dynamics of immune processes)

Transcriptome-based classifier identifies tumor CD8 T cell immunophenotype and predicts clinical outcome

- Bernadette Stolz (Machine Learning algorithms)

Topological encoding of relations in data from multiplex immunohistochemistry images

- Arvind Iyer (Precision medicine)

Decoding the collective impact of cancer genomic alterations

- Jana Koch (Proteins in 3D)

Challenging the current view on protein prenylation in T helper cells using experimental data and information on protein 3D structures

- Alex Lederer (Single-cell approaches)

A probabilistic framework for parametrizing RNA velocity fields with manifold-consistent cell cycle dynamics

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